72 research outputs found

    A Provably Secure Conditional Proxy Re-Encryption Scheme without Pairing

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    Blaze, Bleumer and Strauss introduced the notion of proxy re-encryption (PRE), which enables a semi-trusted proxy to transform ciphertexts under Alice\u27s public key into ciphertexts under Bob\u27s public key. The important property to note here is, the proxy should not learn anything about the plaintext encrypted. In 2009, Weng et al. introduced the concept of conditional proxy re-encryption (CPRE), which permits the proxy to re-encrypt only ciphertexts satisfying a condition specified by Alice into a ciphertext for Bob. CPRE enables fine-grained delegation of decryption rights useful in many practical scenarios, such as blockchain-enabled distributed cloud storage and encrypted email forwarding. Several CPRE schemes exist in the literature based on costly bilinear pairing operation in the random oracle model. We propose the first construction of an efficient CPRE scheme without pairing, satisfying chosen ciphertext security under the computational Diffie Hellman (CDH) assumption and its variant in the random oracle model

    An Efficient Certificateless Proxy Re-Encryption Scheme without Pairing

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    Proxy re-encryption (PRE) is a cryptographic primitive introduced by Blaze, Bleumer and Strauss to provide delegation of decryption rights. PRE allows re-encryption of a ciphertext intended for Alice (delegator) to a ciphertext for Bob (delegatee) via a semi-honest proxy, who should not learn anything about the underlying message. In 2003, Al-Riyami and Patterson introduced the notion of certificateless public key cryptography which offers the advantage of identity-based cryptography without suffering from the key escrow problem. The existing certificateless PRE (CLPRE) schemes rely on costly bilinear pairing operations. In ACM ASIA-CCS SCC 2015, Srinivasan et al. proposed the first construction of a certificateless PRE scheme without resorting to pairing in the random oracle model. However, in this work, we demonstrate a flaw in the CCA-security proof of their scheme. Also, we present the first construction of a CLPRE scheme without pairing which meets CCA security under the computational Diffie-Hellman hardness assumption in the random oracle model

    On the security of a Certificateless Proxy Re-Encryption Scheme without Pairing

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    Proxy re-encryption (PRE) is a cryptographic primitive introduced by Blaze, Bleumer and Strauss to provide delegation of decryption rights. A semi-trusted proxy agent re-encrypts ciphertexts under the public key of Alice into ciphertexts under the public key of Bob, without learning anything about the underlying message. In IWSEC 2017, Kuchta et al. presented a pairing-free certificateless proxy re-encryption scheme, and claimed that their scheme is the first to provide the certificateless property without resorting to pairing. They proved their construction is CCA-secure in the random oracle model, under the Computational Diffie-Hellman assumption. In this work, we show that the recently proposed construction of Kuchta et al. is vulnerable to several attacks

    Identity Based Online/Offline Signcryption Scheme

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    Online/Offline signcryption is a cryptographic primitive where the signcryption process is divided into two phases - online and offline phase. Most of the computations are carried out offline (where the message and the receiver identity are unavailable). The online phase does not require any heavy computations like pairing, multiplication on elliptic curves and is very efficient. To the best of our knowledge there exists three online/offline signcryption schemes in the literature : we propose various attacks on all the existing schemes. Then, we give the first efficient and provably secure identity based online/offline signcryption scheme. We formally prove the security of the new scheme in the random oracle model \cite{BellareR93}. The main advantage of the new scheme is, it does not require the knowledge of message or receiver during the offline phase. This property is very useful since it is not required to pre-compute offline signcryption for different receivers based on the anticipated receivers during the offline phase. Hence, any value generated during the offline phase can be used during the online phase to signcrypt the message to a receiver during the online phase. This helps in reducing the number of values stored during the offline phase. To the best of our knowledge, the scheme in this paper is the first provably secure scheme with this property

    Security Weaknesses in Two Certificateless Signcryption Schemes

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    Recently, a certificateless signcryption scheme in the standard model was proposed by Liu et al. in \cite{LiuHZM10}. Another certificateless signcryption scheme in the standard model was proposed by Xie et al. in \cite{WZ09}. Here, we show that the scheme in \cite{LiuHZM10} and \cite{WZ09} are not secure against Type-I adversary

    CCA2 Secure Certificateless Encryption Schemes Based on RSA

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    Certificateless cryptography, introduced by Al-Riyami and Paterson eliminates the key escrow problem inherent in identity based cryptosystem. In this paper, we present two novel and completely different RSA based adaptive chosen ciphertext secure (CCA2) certificateless encryption schemes. The new schemes are efficient when compared to other existing certificatless encryption schemes that are based on the costly bilinear pairing operation and are quite comparable with the certificateless encryption scheme based on multiplicative groups (without bilinear pairing) by Sun et al. \cite{SZB07} and the RSA based CPA secure certificateless encryption scheme by Lai et al. \cite{LDLK09}. We consider a slightly stronger security model than the ones considered in \cite{LDLK09} and \cite{SZB07} to prove the security of our schemes

    Deterministic Identity Based Signature Scheme and its Application for Aggregate Signatures

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    The revolutionary impact offered by identity based cryptography is phenomenal. This novel mechanism was first coined by Adi Shamir in 1984. Since then, several identity based signature schemes were reported. But surprisingly, none of the identity based signature scheme is having the property of determinism and does rely on bilinear pairing. We think positively in answering this long standing question of realizing deterministic identity based signature in composite order groups and we succeed in developing a signature scheme based on RSA assumption and is deterministic. It is indeed helpful in devising variants of signature primitive. Fully aggregateable identity based signature schemes without prior communication between the signing parties is an interesting issue in identity based cryptography. It is easy to see that deterministic identity based signature schemes lead to full aggregation of signatures without the aforementioned overhead. The major contribution of this paper is a novel deterministic identity based signature scheme whose security relies on the strong RSA assumption and random oracles. Based on this newly proposed deterministic identity based signature scheme, we design an identity based aggregate signature scheme which achieves full aggregation in one round. We formally prove the schemes to be existentially unforgeable under adaptive chosen message and identity attack

    Stronger Public Key Encryption Schemes Withstanding RAM Scraper Like Attacks

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    Security of an encryption system is formally established through the properties of an abstract game played between a challenger and an adversary. During the game, the adversary will be provided with all information that he could obtain in an attack model so that the adversary is fully empowered to carry out the break. The information will be provided to the adversary through the answers of appropriately defined oracle queries. Thus, during the game, adversary will ask various oracle queries and obtain the related responses and have them at his disposal to effect a break. This kind of interaction between challenger and adversary is called as training to the adversary. For example, in the lunch time attack model, the adversary may ask encryption as well as decryption oracle queries. The indistinguishability of ciphertext under this model (IND-CCA2 model) is considered to offer strongest security for confidentiality. In the recent past, an adversary could obtain several additional information than what he could normally obtain in the CCA2 model, thanks to the availability of powerful malwares. In order to realistically model the threats posed by such malwares, we need to empower the adversary with answers to few other kinds of oracles. This paper initiates such a research to counter malwares such as RAM scrapers and extend the CCA2 model with additional oracles to capture the effect of RAM scrapers precisely. After discussing the new kind of attack/threat and the related oracle, we show that the transformation in \cite{FujisakiO992cry} that yields a CCA2 secure system does not offer security against RAM scraper based attack. We refer the decryption oracle as glass box decryption oracle. We then propose two new schemes that offer security against glassbox decryption and also establish the formal security proof for the new schemes in random oracle and standard model

    A note on the Certificateless Multi-receiver Signcryption Scheme

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    Certificateless cryptography aims at combining the advantages of identity based and public key cryptography, so as to avoid the key escrow problem inherent in the identity based system and cumbersome certificate management in public key infrastructure. Signcryption achieves confidentiality and authentication simultaneously in an

    Breaking and Fixing of an Identity Based Multi-Signcryption Scheme

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    Signcryption is a cryptographic primitive that provides authentication and confidentiality simultaneously in a single logical step. It is often required that multiple senders have to signcrypt a single message to a certain receiver. Obviously, it is inefficient to signcrypt the messages separately. An efficient alternative is to go for multi-signcryption. The concept of multi-signcryption is similar to that of multi-signatures with the added property - confidentiality. Recently, Jianhong et al. proposed an identity based multi-signcryption scheme. They claimed that their scheme is secure against adaptive chosen ciphertext attack and it is existentially unforgeable. In this paper, we show that their scheme is not secure against chosen plaintext attack and is existentially forgeable, we also provide a fix for the scheme and prove formally that the improved scheme is secure against both adaptive chosen ciphertext attack and existential forgery
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